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台北 • 新北市 板橋區 • 從捷運新埔站乘坐ubike或步行10分鐘即可輕鬆抵達
新竹縣竹北市 •田園屋民宿

0972 991 350e-mail
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Grounding Session
Life issues and‭ ‬even meditative experiences both have the potential to throw us out off our center‭. ‬When the feelings and thoughts and real issues become too strong‭, ‬overwhelming or prolonged‭, ‬we may loose the ground under our feet‭. ‬Suddenly we‭ ‬no longer have trust and confidence in others‭, ‬in existence‭, ‬in our self and often all of those together‭, ‬
The grounding session helps us through bodywork‭, ‬emotional release and‭ exercises to root us to the support of mother earth‭ and the stability of conscious awareness. ‬The‭ ‬session‭ ‬supports‭ ‬to dis-identity‭ ‬from the overwhelming experiences‭.‬‭ ‬We learn and open up to stand again here on our two‭ ‬feet‭, ‬knowing that the earth is always here‭.‬‭ ‬And like a tree with strong roots‭, ‬we do not get blown over by the storms of life or deep transformative experiences so easy‭. ‬
This‭ ‬creates‭ ‬a‭ ‬platform‭ ‬to go deep into our true center‭, ‬which is always untouched‭ ‬and‭ ‬unharmed‭. ‬We come back to the safety‭ ‬of our ‬inner and outer home‭. ‬
Jaya offers session at:


Taipei -Banqiao •Take u-bike or a 10 min easy walk from Xinpu MRT station

Hsinchu Zhubei • !THIS Center •

Sanwan/Miaoli • Yonghe Shan Reservoir

Contact Jaya at:
+886-972 991 350e-mail
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